How Do I Know if I Need My Brakes Repaired?

No one keeps his car in the best condition all the time. Also, not all people have deep knowledge of mechanics to detect mechanical problems earlier enough before they result to complete failure.

Even if it can be difficult to notice other mechanical issues, you should ensure that the car’s braking system is always working properly. Worn-out brakes can lead to road safety issues and can also lead to fatal accidents. Look at the following signs to show your car needs brake repair.

High Pitch Screeching


The screeching noise that you hear when you apply brakes is coming from the piece of metal surrounding the brakes. The metal is meant to let you know when the pads are worn out and is also intended to support the brake pads. Although the screeching noise doesn’t mean your brakes will stop functioning soon, you should call your mechanic to check.

If There Is a Visible Wear and Tear

You can also visually inspect your brakes to check their condition to know whether you need a brake repair. The brakes are located between the spokes of your car wheel and are pressed against a metal rotor. If the thickness of your brake pads is less than ¼ of an inch, they need replacement.

The vibration of The Brake Pedal


When you apply the brakes, there is slight warping of the rotors, which causes vibration of the brake pedal. However, if there is too much vibration, it simply means that the rotors have worn and become too thin. Thin rotors are susceptible to warping and need to be replaced soon.

Slow Stopping Response

If for some reason, you apply emergency brakes and notice your car is not stopping fast enough or brakes are unresponsive, then it is a critical sign you need brake repair. Slow braking response does not only mean that the brake pads have worn. It can also mean that there is a fluid leakage in your hydraulic brake system. And therefore, an immediate brake repair is necessary.

Highly Sensitive Brakes

Not all the time; we need to stop immediately, but if you find that your car jerks with the slightest touch on the brake pedal, you might still need a brake repair. Extremely sensitive brakes could mean that the rotors have worn unevenly; it could also mean that you need to replace your brake fluid.

Your Car Pulling On One Side When Braking


When you apply brakes and then feel an invisible force pulling your car towards either side, it indicates that your brake lining has worn unevenly and needs to be repaired. It can also indicate a foreign object in your hydraulic brake system, causing uneven force transmission. In such a case, the brake fluid must be drained and replaced.


Some critical signs that you need brake repair are; high-pitch screeching when braking, the vibration of the brake pedal, and slow stopping response. An extremely sensitive brake also indicates uneven wear of the brake lining. Also, if your car pulls on one side when braking it can indicate that there is a foreign object in your brake fluid or uneven wear on the brakes. You can also inspect your brakes to check for any wear and tear.

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